Saturday, April 17, 2021

Poem Acceptance

 My poem, The Stag, has been accepted for the sequel to A Walk in a Darker Wood, The Darker Heart of the Wood by Oxygen Man Books.  A Kickstarter will be made for this book.  It should be out sometime this year.  The Stag is about the Wild Hunt and the white stag every hunter yearns to hunt.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A Walk in a Darker Wood by Oxygenman Publishing

Just to show that I'm way behind in updates on my writing life, this was published in December.  My poem, The Fork in the Road, appears in A Walk in a Darker Wood by Oxygenman Publishing.  The Fork in the Road will appear in Darkest Days and Haunted Ways.   

Table of Contents

Introduction by Sarah Walker, Scott Couturier, and Shayne Keen
Who Maketh Fertile the Fields by David Barker
Observations of a Black Toad by Phil Breach
The Silhouettes by D. L. Myers
Towards a Place Where Everything's Better by S. L. Edwards
Moonville by John H. Howard
Therein Lies a Tail by Duane Pesice
Rosaire, Master of Wolves by Manuel Arenas
Putting Down Roots by Russell Smeaton
There Came the Sun by Ivan Zoric
Spring Leanings by Alan Sessler
Daughters of the Hare by K. A. Opperman
Morton's Woods by Jill Hand
The Scarlet Room by Adam Bolivar
Jack and the Magic Ham by Adam Bolivar
The Fork in the Road by Ashley Dioses
Cat-o-Lantern by K. A. Opperman
The King of Mudlings by Shayne Keen
The Willow Stand by Scott J. Couturier
GreenFingers by Sarah Walker
The Blackdamp by William Tea
The Untold History of the Grimorium by Maxwell I. Gold
The Mill District by Maquel A. Jacob
Fine and Fancy Arms by Gordon B. White
Her Dark Hymn by Hayley Arrington
Hyenas by Michael S. Walker
King O' the Wood by Can Wiggins
Jenny Green-teeth by Chelsea Arrington
Of Blood and Flowers by Chelsea Arrington 
A Slow Remembered Tide by John Linwood Grant
Witch Woman by Hayley Arrington 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

WiHM 12: Riveting Verse

I know this is late by 2 months, but this just goes to show how my mind is focused on a million other things right now.  I totally missed when this was posted but I wrote a little something for The Horror Tree for Women in Horror Month.

It's an abbreviated article I wrote for an HWA newsletter years ago.