Friday, May 4, 2018

The Audient Void: A Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy No. 5

I have received my copy of issue five of the always amazing The Audient Void: A Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy!  It features my one and only prose poem, Vampire's Kiss.  Vampire's Kiss has an interesting background.  The title was inspired by a drink AV's own Dan Sauer drank and he mentioned that it sounded like a poem title I would use.  Done.  At one point on Facebook, I was challenged to use the word 'vivisepulture' in a poem by a certain Frater.  And finally, after the incredible D. L. Myers sent AV a beautifully-wrought prose poem, it somehow occurred to the mad editor, for some ungodly reason, that the rest of the Crimson Circle do the same.  Dammit Myers!  After a lot of sweat, sacrifices, and tears, Vampire's Kiss was created.  The Audient Void only makes a limited number of copies per issue.  If you want to see the rare prose poetry of the Crimson Tome, get one before they're gone! 

Also, please, when publicly praising the zine and the contributors in it, make sure you actually have a physical copy of it beforehand, so as to avoid embarrassment when the editor of the zine calls you out by stating that not a single copy has been shipped out yet.   

The Audient Void: A Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy Issue #5

"Oorg" by John R. Fultz 
"Old Lovecraftians In The Park" by David Barker 
"Love In The Time Of Dracula" by John R. Fultz

"The Poisoner" by Chelsea Arrington 
"Why Should We Worship Dagon" by Darrell Schweitzer 
"Beyond The Veil" by D.L. Meyers 
"Vampire's Kiss" by Ashley Dioses 
"The Fall Of The Pumpkin King" by K.A. Opperman 
"The Lay Of Dumah" by Adam Bolivar 
"On The Creation Of Shoggoths" by Charles Lovecraft 
"A Tourist In Hell" by John Shirley 
"The Divorce" by Marge Simon 
"Jack The Balladeer" by Adam Bolivar

"From The Void" by Obadiah Baird 
"Ye Olde Lemurian" by David Barker

Cover and interior art by Brad Hicks.

60 pages.

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