Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Writing Updates

The Withering is done.  The introduction is written, the art is finished, and I am finished with it.  It releases on Walpurgisnacht (April 30th, 2020).  Hopefully, I can reveal the cover to you all soon.  I'm very excited to share that book with you but until I have to market it, I don't want to look at it anymore.

Now that the publisher is communicating with everyone and we're on track with a new release plan, I don't have to focus on those additional older 45 poems anymore, which is a relief.  It's difficult to edit such old poems.  Those can now go on the back burner for a future project.

I can now focus all my attention on Diary of a Vampyress again.  DoaV currently has 56 poems out of a tentative 80 I'm aiming at.  I also spoke with a friend who has agreed to translate a couple more poems into Hungarian for me which will boost it to 59 poems.

I'm trying to cover a lot of Gothic tropes in this collection while still keeping it unique with my own voice.  We'll see how I'll do.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Winter Solstice 2019 Issue by Eternal Haunted Summer

My review on The Jaguar that Roams the Mind by Robert Tindall is live in the Winter Solstice 2019 Issue by Eternal Haunted Summer.  I wrote it originally for a college class years ago.  I think it was supposed to be an analysis or essay on the book rather than a review, but since I don't remember the subject of the assignment, I submitted as a review.

Table of Contents

Poetry and Fiction
Assembling the Curse by Juleigh Howard-Hobson
Baron Samedi by Ngo Binh Anh Khoa
Being a Petroglyph by Amy Trussell
Columbus Day by Eric Pinder
Forebear of the Stones by Scott J.Couturier
Halloween, Emery’s Crossing by Charlotte Hussey
Haunted by Gerri Leen
Hold the Door by Nicole J. LeBeouf
Huitzilopochtli by Lorraine Schein
La Luciérnaga by D.L. Shirey
The Storm Witch by Colleen Anderson
The Water Witch by Wendy Howe

Special Feature
Salt and Glass Part Two: Frostbite and Iron by Jennifer Lawrence

Love Under Will: An Introduction to Thelema and Its Antecedents by Katie Anderson

Dark Moon Rising: Pagan BDSM & The Ordeal Path by Raven Kaldera [reviewed by Tahni J. Nikitins]
The Duergarbok: The Dwarves of the Northern Tradition by Susannah Ravenswing [reviewed by Erin Lale]
The Fraternitas Saturni by Stephen Flowers [reviewed by Erin Lale]
The Jaguar That Roams the Mind by Robert Tindall [reviewed by Ashley Dioses]
The Last Sun: The Tarot Sequence Book One by K.D. Edwards [reviewed by Rebecca Buchanan]
Ragnarok: The End of the Gods by A.S. Byatt [reviewed by Erin Lale]

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Updated ToC for The Withering

The Withering is slated for release on Walpurgisnacht (April 30th, 2020).  Here is the updated ToC with those added 5 poems.

Table of Contents


Siren of Shadows by John Shirley

I. A Luminous Darkness (Nature)

A Luminous Darkness
Light Fades in Her Dark Embrace
Plague’s Wake
Life Decayed
Unveiled Star

II. Pale Radiance (Supernatural)

A Lust for Blood
Quest for the Flesh
Into the Dark I Came
Dead Kings Rise
Karmic Repercussion
Like a Fixed Star
Djinn Deceiver
Hollow King
The Sorceress’s Lament
The Prideful Scribe
Crimson Swirls
In the Name of Hell
Pale Radiance
Paper Doll Displays
A Soul of Filth
An Angel's Fall from Grace
Tears of Eternity
Behind Dead Eyes Part 1
Behind Dead Eyes Part 2
I Am the Most Beautiful Angel
The Entrance

III. Night Cries (Psychological Horror)

Twisted Saying
Night Cries
Dreams Forever Will Remain
The Sight
The Darker Me
Believe Me
The Picture
The Porcelain Garden
A Haunting Sensation Part 1
A Haunting Sensation Part 2
The Creator
The Monster
The Guillotine
Splinters in My Skin
Death Upon Me

IV. A is for Axe Murderer (Body Horror)

A is for Axe Murderer
The Surgical Suite
Body Parts
The Body Shop
Strung By a Noose

Chronological Order

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein Analyses "On a Dreamland's Moon"

The cats of Ulthar steal across my dreams
On paws of softest fur and blur the seams
Of my subconscious with their purrs and eyes
Of molten gold that twinkle and that gleam
Like Beacon lights toward where their kingdom lies.
—Opening stanza of “On A Dreamland’s Moon” 

Bobby Derie (author of Sex and the Cthulhu Mythos) analyses and discusses my poem, On  Dreamland's Moon, and its place in the Mythos on his blog, Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein.  On A Dreamland’s Moon was first published in Black Wings VI: New Tales of Lovecraftian Terror (2017) and appears in Diary of a Sorceress.

Here's an insert.

“'On A Dreamland’s Moon' takes its most direct inspiration from Lovecraft’s The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, but the object of this dreamer’s quest is not the hidden gods of dream, but Nyarlathotep, the crawling chaos. In language and imagery, however, the influence of Clark Ashton Smith is more evident, echoing some of his narrative poems such as 'The Nightmare Tarn.'"

I am glad Nitokris was mentioned in this discussion.  We need more of her.  Also, the Sorceress was not intended to be the narrator but it works!

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Withering Update

I finally heard back from the publisher and because of his lack of communication, he offered to give me my rights back to The Withering if I wanted them.  I declined.  I want to see Gehenna and Hinnom succeed and as my collection was promised to those who paid for the tier, I want to keep that promise to them.

This is excellent news because now I don't have to add (and edit) any more early poems I fished out from the cobwebs.  There were, however, five poems I particularly liked after I cleaned them up that I have added to The Withering.  Think of it as a little extra gift for those waiting so long for the collection.  My collection will now have a total of 55 poems.

All art by Mutartis Boswell is complete!  There will be 8 full-page artworks inside with over 20 small pieces scattered within these pages.  I am also dying to show that cover art which will blow you away.  It's killer.

It will be published on Walpurgisnacht (April 30th, 2020)!

I am waiting on one more blurb and am going through another final edit before I send the final ms to the publisher.         

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Audient Void: A Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy Issue Eight and Infernal Ink Magazine (Fall/Winter 2018)

The latest issue (8) of The Audient Void: A Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy is out and contains my two sonnets, V. Altar of Souls and VI. Heavens Departed, which are part of my mini sonnet cycle, The Seven Seals.  The Seven Seals sonnet cycle will appear in Diary of a Vampyress.

"Pulses: A Second Life Story" by S.L. Edwards
"Midnight in the Oasis of Mahrah" by Cynthia Ward
"Bruno J. Lampini and the Claw of Satan" by Josh Reynolds

"Dark Seance" by Ann K. Schwader & David Kopaska-Merkel
"The Demon of Ennui" by K.A. Opperman
"How to Spot the Apotropaic" by Juleigh Howard-Hobson
"The Witch Who Will Not Die" by Nicole Cushing
"The Ghost's Procession" by Ngo Binh Anh Khoa
"Altar of Souls" by Ashley Dioses
"Heavens Departed" by Ashley Dioses
"The Curse" by Chelsea Arrington

"From the Void" by Obadiah Baird
"Ye Olde Lemurian" by David Barker

Cover art, interior art, and design by Dan Sauer.

I know Infernal Ink Magazine (Fall/Winter 2018) came out last year but I somehow missed that it came in a physical edition and just acquired it.  My poem reprint, Anthropomancy, appears in this issue and you can get the ebook from Amazon or the physical copy from Lulu.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Writing Updates

As some of you may know, The Withering publication has been delayed.  We were hoping to have it released late September in time to be released at the H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival in early October, but that came and went.  Unfortunately, the publisher has been dealing with a lot of serious personal issues that require his full attention and has not kept up with correspondence in the last few months.

All art for The Withering is basically finished (I just need one more pumpkin...!) and I have the introduction in hand, written by the amazing John Shirley, cowriter of The Crow among many other brilliant written and artistic work.

With The Withering being held up and not being able to communicate with the publisher, I've been put into a bind.  I have around 45 additional early works poems that I've excluded from The Withering that I've been giving a second look.  I was thinking that they could be assembled into a second book with the original title, Darkest Days and Haunted Ways.  Darkest Days and Haunted Ways was the first title I came up with in high school before I came up with The Withering.  However, if the rights to The Withering revert back to me before it's published, I might add these additional poems to it and shop it to another publisher I know that takes longer manuscripts.  I really hope it does not come to that though.

Because of this bind, I will be focusing on editing these additional early poems, therefore, Diary of a Vampyress will be put on hold for the moment.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Weirdbook Forthcoming Acceptances

Here is a list of my poems appearing in the next upcoming issues of Weirdbook Magazine by Wildside Press.

What is the Season?- Issue 43
Belladonna's Kiss- Issue 44  (Belladonna's Kiss will appear in Diary of a Vampyress.)
They Dance in Arsenic- Issue 45  (They Dance in Arsenic will appear in Diary of a Vampyress.)
Whispers- Issue 46  (Whispers will appear in The Withering.)
Shadow Bay- Issue 47
Mirror of Medusa- Issue 48
Twisted Sayings- Issue 49  (Twisted Sayings will appear in The Withering.)
In the Name of Hell- Issue 50  (In the Name of Hell will appear in Diary of a Vampyress.)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Bards Issue 43 Beneath Her Spell: She-Devils of Renown by Atlantean Publishing

I received my copies of issue 43 of the Bards series, Beneath Her Spell: She-Devils of Renown by Atlantean Publishing.  This is a leaflet (broadside) containing four femme fatale poem reprints including Carathis, Mircalla, Ligeia, and Asenath.  Cover art is 'Bride III' by AC Evans.  You can find Carathis, Mircalla, and Ligeia in Diary of a Sorceress and Asenath in Weirdbook Annual #2: Cthulhu by Wildside Press.  Asenath will also appear in my third poetry collection, Diary of a Vampyress.

Here's a little information about the Bards series.
"The Bards is an irregular series of short poetry 'broadsides', a folded A4 sheet in format, inspired by Bard. It differs from its parent title in that each issue is dedicated to the work of a single author — they are intended to be handed out at poetry readings or for readers to purchase as affordable samplers of a poet's work. It is edited by DJ Tyrer."

I will have copies for sale at the H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, Oregan this October.


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Phantasmagorical Promenade by Planet X Publications

I received my copy of The Phantasmagorical Promenade by Planet X Publications which contains my two poems, Behind Dead Eyes Part 1 and 2.  This is a beautiful book with art by Mutartis Boswell who is also doing my art for my forthcoming poetry collection, The Withering.  Both poems can also be found in that collection.  I also love the font!

Table of Contents:

Ashley Dioses - Behind Dead Eyes, part one
John Paul Fitch – Ray
Jill Hand – Not a Ghost
Matthew St. Cyr – All Through the House
Roger Taylor - Chatterbox Chatterbox, We All Fall Down
Sarah Walker - Be Careful What You Wish For
Rob Martin – We’re All Haunted Houses
Zoltán Komor - The Ghost Molester
Justin Burnett – The Slave House
Can Wiggins – Haint
John Claude Smith – You Cannot Live Here Forever
Alessandra Bava – Star-Child
S.L. Edwards – Aurora
Sean M. Thompson – Avaunt
SE Casey – Gods Rushing Madly
James Fallweather – The Philip Experiment
Philip Fracassi – The Taker
Debra Robinson - G Is For Ghost Fever
Alan Sessler – A Bitter Pill
Mer Whinery – The Children of the Crow Hollow Skillet
Scott J Couturier - Ten Cents a Bottle
Manuel Paul Arenas – Night Hag
Russell Smeaton – Purpose
Frank Coffman – The Forsaken
Farah Rose Smith – An Account Above Burnside Park
EO Daniels – War Over Walter
Duane Pesice – Ghost Tracks
Levi Dunn – Something Wicked in the Hills
William Tea – Social Medium
K. A. Opperman - A Ghostly Lily
Ashley Dioses - Behind Dead Eyes, part two

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Review from Matthew St. Cyr for Behind Dead Eyes Part 1


Review #1

By Ashley Dioses

TPP starts off with a sullen, melancholic bit of poetry.
I'm not going to even attempt to sound like I know what I'm talking about by spouting off phrases like iambic pentameter and rhyme scheme. Both are there and both are spot on, but you already knew that would be the case.

No, instead I wish to pontificate the subject of this poem: A lost soul who knows not her purpose, only torment and pain.

I'm guessing that editor Duane Pesice knew what he was doing when he slated this piece for the first slot.

The lost soul in this poem is an amalgamation of all the lost souls contained with the pages of this book.

Looking at the TOC, I see that part 2 ends the book and I'm willing to bet you 5 bones that the second part will be just as fitting an end.

Let this spectral journey begin.....

Monday, July 22, 2019

Spectral Realms No. 11 by Hippocampus Press

I just received my copy of Spectral Realms No. 11 by Hippocampus Press.  It contains my poem, Plague's Wake, which will appear in The Withering.



The Tomb of Wilum Hopfrog Pugmire / Wade German

The Blackbird’s Ghost / Abigail Wildes

Temptation Entombed / David Barker

Eternal Lovers / Carl E. Reed

Covert / F. J. Bergmann

On a Threadbare Photograph of H.P.L. at  66 College St. / Manuel Pérez-Campos

The Witch of Hearts / Chelsea Arrington

The Legend of Vlad and Juztina / Tatiana

A Lady and Her Monster / Christopher Collingwood

The Hill of Bones / G. O. Clark

Space-Time / Ron L. Johnson II

The Monsters Within / Christina Sng

Doctor Fulci’s Fantastic Cure for Nightmares / Liam Garriock

Temple of the Condor / Ann K. Schwader

Subterranean Hungers / David C. Kopaska-Merkel

The Great Wheel / Frank Coffman

The Necromancer's Charm / Scott J. Couturier

Tomb without Walls / Ross Balcom

The Final Scrawl / Pat Calhoun

The Jack-o’-Lantern Hearted / K. A. Opperman

The Vampire-Need / Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer

The Duke of Balladry / Adam Bolivar

Disclosure / Norbert Góra

Guillotined / Carl E. Reed

Altar of Yig / David Barker

Poe / Randall D. Larson

Haruspex / Geoffrey A. Landis

The Secret Pool / Darrell Schweitzer

As One Poet to Another / G. Sutton Breiding

She Tasted of Gin and Death / Curtis M. Lawson

Vampire Vigil / Manuel Arenas

The Thing That Watches While I Write / Thomas Tyrrell

Plague’s Wake / Ashley Dioses

To a Cat-Daemon: A Litany of Antient Ægypt / Manuel Pérez-Campos

Methuselah / Wade German

Cassandra Can’t Tell You / Allan Rozinski

Lair of the Bat People / Ross Balcom

Reparation / Christina Sng

In the Days of the Vertical Ocean / David C. Kopaska-Merkel

The Underwater Circus / Kurt Newton

Super-Position / Ron L. Johnson II

The Absence of Clouds / G. O. Clark

Divided by Demons / Mary Krawczak Wilson

Down the Garden Path / M. F. Webb

The God of Phlegm / Maxwell Gold

Cruel Eleanora / Adam Bolivar

Tears of the Raven / Christopher Collingwood

Graveyard of the Gods / Scott J. Couturier.

Solving for X / Ann K. Schwader

The Demon Ball / Tatiana

The Bog Man / Chelsea Arrington

On Gustave Moreau’s Canvas The Apparition / Manuel Pérez-Campos

Black-Tongue Kiss / Carl E. Reed

Diner of Delights / Claire Smith

Inquiry Regarding the Dead / David Barker

Styx / Christina Sng

The Fairiest / Oliver Smith

The Separation / Ian Futter

The Ghost Factory / F. J. Bergmann

The Baleful Beldam / Manuel Arenas

Remains / David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Classic Reprints

Fright / May Sinclair

The Silent House / Samuel John Alexander


Clark Ashton Smith and Robert Nelson: Master and Apprentice (Part 3) /

Marcos Legaria


A Guidebook for Witches and Warlocks / Donald Sidney-Fryer

Notes on Contributors

Cover Art

Dan Sauer

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Weirdbook Magazine Issue 41 by Wildside Press

I finally got my contributor's copy of Weirdbook Magazine Issue 41. My poem, The Jackal, appears within.  I'm a big fan of The Omen series and those movies were the inspiration for this poem.  The Jackal will also appear in Diary of a Vampyress.

• Tonight I Wear My Crimson Face, by Adrian Cole 
• The House of the Witches, by Darrell Schweitzer 
• The Bones, by Erica Ruppert 
• The Idols of Xan, by Steve Dilks 
• Conjurings, by Marlane Quade Cook 
• Matriarch Unbound, by Glynn Owen Barrass 
• The Mouth at the Edge of the World, by Luke Walker 
• “An Autumn Settling”, by Alistair Rey 
• I Know How You’ll Die, by K.G. Anderson 
• Fair Shopping, by Jack Lee Taylor 
• Black Aggie, by Marina Favila 
• The Chroma of Home, by Arasibo Campeche 
• The Last Resort, by Dean MacAllister 
• The Crypt Beneath the Manse, by S. Subramanian 
• A Winter Reunion, by C.M. Muller 
• The Stravinsky Code, by Leonard Carpenter 
• She Talks to Me, by Matthew Masucci 
• Wings of Twilight, by L.F. Falconer 
• A Pantheon of Trash, by Thomas C. Mavroudis 
• Juliet’s Moon, by D.C. Lozar 
• The Gargoyle’s Wife, by Jean Graham 
• The Melting Man, by Justin Boote 
• Dead Waves, by Sean McCoy 
• The Proposal, by J.D. Brink 
• Dark Energy, by Kevin Hayman 
• Christmas at Castle Dracula, by S. L. Edwards 
• There Was Fire, by M. Ravenberg 
• Them, by Sharon Cullars 
• For Love of Lythea, by C. I. Kemp 
• Beltane, by K.A. Opperman 
• Twin Hungers, by Scott J. Couturier 
• The Jackal, by Ashley Dioses 
• Our Family Ghost, by Joshua Gage 
• Le Gargoyle, by Russ Parkhurst

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Beneath Her Spell: She-Devils of Renown

I will be having a leaflet (smaller than a chapbook) titled, Beneath Her Spell: She-Devils of Renown,  released in August from Atlantean Publishing.  This leaflet will contain four poems from my femme fatale series.  They include Carathis, Mircalla, Ligeia, and Asenath.  The first three poems can be found in Diary of a Sorceress.  Asenath was first published in Weirdbook Annual #2: Cthulhu by Wildside Press and will be in my upcoming collection, Diary of a Vampyress.

These ladies of renown sound familiar?  You can find their tales in these Gothic works:

Carathis appears in Vathek by William Beckford.
Mircalla appears in Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu.
Ligeia appears in Ligeia by Edgar Allan Poe.
Asenath appears in The Thing on the Doorstep by H. P. Lovecraft.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Writing Updates

I'm still waiting on the Introduction and possibly a few more blurbs for The Withering.  The artwork by Mutartis Boswell is coming along amazingly.  The cover is pretty much done, the back has been worked on, and a few interior illustrations have been played with.  This should be a beautifully dark book for all your black little hearts.  And sorry, can't show you yet.

While that is being tinkered with, I have been working on my next collection, Diary of a Vampyress.  As of today, there are currently 50 poems in it.  My goal is to have around 80.  So I'm getting there.  I'm trying to cover a vast range of various Gothic tropes and creatures and atmospheres.  We'll see how I do.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Ten Weird Writers to Save Us All in 2019 by Silent Motorist Media

I'm not sure how this happened, but I've made it onto this list of Ten Weird Writers to Save Us All in 2019 by Silent Motorist Media.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate this.  I hope that those reading this list will consider checking out poetry as well as the prose mentioned therein.  Poetry has just as much a place in the world of weird and horror as prose does.  

Farah Rose Smith
Sarah Walker
Ashley Dioses
Charles Austin Muir
Leo X. Robertson
Brooke Warra
Gwendolyn Kiste
Kristine Ong Muslim
S. E. Casey
Rebecca Gransden

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Summer Solstice 2019 Issue by Eternal Haunted Summer

My poem, Like a Fixed Star, is now live on Eternal Haunted Summer for the Summer Solstice issue.  Like a Fixed Star will appear in The Withering.

Here is the ToC:

16 Psyche — Ode to an Asteroid by Marianne Gambaro
Algol’s Lamp by Scott J. Couturier
Apotheosis by Nicole LeBeouf
Aurvandil’s Toe by Juleigh Howard-Hobson
Fair Astraea by Avra Margariti
Fallen Star by Clay F. Johnson
Flame-Mistress of the Morning Star by K.A. Opperman
Ganymede by Andrea Gustafson
Goddess by Kim Malinowski
How to Honor Sirius by Mary Soon Lee
Inanna-Sig, Evening Star Inanna by Hayley Arrington
Like a Fixed Star by Ashley Dioses
Love of the Gods by Kim Whysall-Hammond
A Mask of Ice by Deborah L. Davitt
The Trickster by Denise Dumars

Ad Astra by Chris Wheatley
The Helmet of Pluto by Maxwell Gold
If You Were by Gerri Leen

Special Feature
Du’s Voyage by Lorna Smithers

Daniel Cureton, editor of Enheduanna
Galina Krasskova, author of Living Runes and A Modern Guide to Heathenry
Erin Lale, author of Asatru for Beginners
Dagulf Loptson, author of Playing with Fire

Candle, Thread and Flute by Kathryn Hinds [reviewed by Hayley Arrington]
City of Crows by Clara Clouson [reviewed by Rebecca Buchanan]
Plant and Fungus Totems: Connect with Spirits of Field, Forest, and Garden by Lupa [reviewed by Tahni Nikitins]
The Seed of Yggdrasil: Deciphering the Hidden Messages in Old Norse Myths  by Maria Kvilhaug [reviewed by Erin Lale]
Spells, Salt, and Steel: Season One by Gail Z. Martin and Larry N. Martin [reviewed by Rebecca Buchanan]
The Study of Witchcraft by Deborah Lipp [reviewed by Tahni Nikitins]

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Poem Acceptance

My poem, Strung by a Noose, will appear in the final Test Patterns anthology, Weird Westerns, by Planet X Publications.  Here is the full ToC:

Ashley Dioses – Strung by a Noose
S. L. Edwards – The Older Laws of John Armitage
Scott Couturier – Buzzard-man
John Ghost – The Terror at Cleopatra Hill
Thomas Joyce – No God’s Country, No Man’s Land
Jill Hand – The Burning Women of Glory
Christopher Slatsky – Justo’s Mummy Magic Capac Cuna Medicine Company
GD Dearborn – Daltrey Returns
Dustin Chisam – Into the Emerald Frontier
Sarah Walker – The Foreigner
John Paul Fitch – Gut Shot
Erica Ruppert – Oh, Bury Me Not
Sean M. Thompson – Dark Sky Above
Max Stanton – The Transported Man
Alan Sessler – The Ogre West
Can Wiggins – Sweet Betsey from P.I.K.E.
Zoltan Komor – Planted Bullets and Coffin Whores
K. A. Opperman – The Sheriff and the Succubus
Duane Pesice – In the Name

Strung by a Noose will also appear in The Withering.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Audient Void: A Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy Issue Seven

I have finally received my contributor copy of The Audient Void: A Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy Issue Seven.  It contains the next two sonnets, Famine and Death, from my Seven Seals sonnet cycle.  Each sonnet discusses each seal.  3 sonnets remain.  The sonnet cycle will appear in Diary of a Vampyress.

(Amazing art by the incredible Dan Sauer.)

Clark Ashton Smith Documentary at the Auburn State Theater

Kyle and I had a blast in Auburn for the CAS documentary showing in Auburn last month.  We stayed at the haunted Historic Cary House Hotel in Placerville while there for the weekend.

(Our view from the balcony)

After we checked in,  we headed to Auburn for a little get together before the showing. 

(Michael Berryman, S. T. Joshi, Derrick Hussey)

(Michael Berryman, Derrick Hussey, Michael Adams, James Fallweather, Frederick J. Mayer, S. T. Joshi)

After lunch,  we headed to the theater. 

(Michael Berryman and Charles Schneider)

(Michael Adams, Scott Connors, Kyle)

(Darin Coelho Spring, S. T. Joshi)

(Ron Hilger, Scott Connors, Cody Goodfellow, S. T. Joshi, Skinner, Charles Schneider, Kyle, and Darin Coelho Sring)

After the showing we headed to Ron Hilger's house for the after party.

(S. T., Kyle, and Scott)

(Charles and Darin)

(Charles, Kyle, Derrick, and Joesph Cendejas)

(S. T., Scott, and Darin)

(Charles about to do some magic)

Saturday we had breakfast and wandered a bit before we got drinks. 

(Kyle, Derrick, and S. T.)

(Derrick, S. T., Darin, and Scott)

(Sam Cowan, Darin) 

(Cody Goodfellow, Sam Cowan) 

(Michael Adams and James Fallweather)

We then headed to Cody Goodfellow's reading at the nearby art gallery. 

We left Sunday morning and headed back home with various treasures and memories.